September Goals Recap!

by ~jenniferlynn on October 1, 2012

in Goals, Running, StrongLifts, Weight Lifting

When I set up my goals for September, I focused on five main categories: blog, food, lifting, cardio, and other. And this month, it was huge struggles all across the board, primarily stemming from my whole food issue (well, Whole30 issue). From my Whole30 experience, I learned that I was not nearly getting enough protein or nutrients, so everything from my workouts to my mood to my focus all had a negative impact on my goals. But there were some positive things that happened, too, so let’s recap!

  1. Blog: Become either a Fitfluential Ambassador or Sweat Pink Ambassador
    I did really well in the social network aspect of blogging! I became a Sweat Pink Ambassador AND a Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador (see the nifty badges on the left there!). In addition to those ambassadorships, I also have been selected to join another blog community, “Believe I Am Sisters in Sport,” which I will blog more about later this week!
    I also hit 340 followers on Twitter, and upped my Facebook page to 68 “like”s!

  2. Food: Meal prepping/planning; Whole30
    I completed my Whole30! It was rough, but I made it through. You can read more about it here.

  3. Lifting: For StrongLifts 5x5s: squat 145#, deadlift 190#, bench press 90#, overhead press 70#, pendlay row 100#
    Oh, I was a bit ambitious when I set these “conservative” goals! With the Whole30 struggles, these did not happen at all. My lifts looked like this (noting the heaviest weight that I was able to complete 5 full sets of 5 reps):

    Squat OHP Deadlift Bench Press Row
    August 105 55 155 70 75
    September 120 55 165 70 75

    It is a bit discouraging to see those numbers, but I look forward to hitting much bigger numbers this month!

  4. Cardio: Try to run 2x a week, at least a mile, working up to 2 miles by the end of the month.
    Let’s see.. not so good here.. Got in a total of 4.3 miles this month. I have less than three weeks until my 5k! Must work some more running in somewhere!
  5. Other: Complete weeks 2-5 of my personal trainer certification.
    Another big struggle of mine this month. With my mental fog that I was in, my studying took the back burner. I only made it through week 3.

I planned on taking progress pics today to show where I was when I started my Whole30 compared to where I ended up after. However, after doing a weigh-in and my weight being exactly the same as it was 30 days ago (128.6), and my bodyfat slightly increasing per my way of baseline measuring it (I use both our hand scale and the floor scale, and take an average since there is often a huge discrepancy between the two), I decided pics really aren’t going to do anything other than make me question myself again on why I did such a thing as the Whole30.

I will be working on my October goals this week, and while I want to keep them realistic, I also want to push myself much harder this month to make up for my struggles last month.

Twitter: Mychickenbutt
October 1, 2012 at 11:04 pm

I think you did awesome this month. Sometimes we get a little ambitious and try to set goals in a wide variety of areas, and the ones we are slow to progress in make us feel like we failed as a whole.
I personally admire that you stuck out your whole 30, still lifted throughout even though things didn’t come as easy, and you ran at all (I didn’t lol)
Good for you! Excited to see what October brings!!

~jenniferlynn October 2, 2012 at 1:19 pm

Thanks, Martha!
Yeah.. I like to have a wide variety of things to strive for, but have to keep it realistic, but also want to push myself. This month I had a good excuse though 😛 Next month, expect some more PRs!

Tasha @ Healthy Diva October 1, 2012 at 11:30 pm

It sounds like you had a successful month! Welcome to the Sweat Pink & Girls Gone Sporty groups. 🙂

~jenniferlynn October 2, 2012 at 1:20 pm

Thanks, Tasha! 🙂

Twitter: mast2mar
October 1, 2012 at 11:41 pm

I’m sure you will totally accomplish your lifting goals (or should I call them ghouls? :P) this month!

I need to make some October ghouls myself…for fitness and thesis stuff!

~jenniferlynn October 2, 2012 at 1:21 pm

Oh.. that was corny… or should I say, “candy-corny..”.. *groan*

jenna October 2, 2012 at 7:16 am

great job with your goals! you had some great ones, and i think you did very well!! spa love and happy tuesday!!!

~jenniferlynn October 2, 2012 at 1:22 pm

Thanks, Jenna! Always look forward to your positive comments! 🙂

Liz @ Southern Charm October 2, 2012 at 2:17 pm

Awesome job on reaching your goals 🙂

~jenniferlynn October 2, 2012 at 2:19 pm

Thanks, Liz!

Bethany Lee
Twitter: bethanyjolee
October 2, 2012 at 5:38 pm

I think you did excellent on your goals! You accomplished way more than if you weren’t trying, that’s for sure. As for your weightlifting–you increased two things! Why are you discouraged about that? Don’t be–I’m impressed you can squat 120 pounds!!!!! That totally rocks!
You pretty well beat all your social media goals and you got halfway through your personal trainer studying goals. I’m thinking you did great!!! So . . . .since your blog is called WINE to weightlifting, I think you should drink some wine and write about it!! 🙂 Celebrate the end of the whole30 which I’m totally not gonna do now. 🙂 I think clean eating is much easier (like you said).
Yay for October and new goals!! Can’t wait to see yours.

~jenniferlynn October 3, 2012 at 8:24 am

Thanks, Bethany!! I still haven’t had my wine yet! 😉

Looking forward to sharing clean recipes with eachother this month!

~jenniferlynn October 4, 2012 at 8:21 am

Thanks, Bethany!! Had a glass of wine last night to celebrate 😉
The Whole30 really isn’t bad!! haha.. I just didn’t do it properly for my body.. it’s an awesome guideline to jump head-first into super clean eating.. maybe try a week!

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