Decide that you want it

by ~jenniferlynn on February 8, 2015

in CrossFit, inspiration

Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it. Crossfit inspiration. Crossfit motivation.

Crossfit is a funny thing.

I was inspired judging a competition last weekend to want to put more emphasis on WODs and endurance over Olympic weightlifting, which has recently stolen my heart.

After a recent repeat of last year’s 14.4 in which I scored less than a year ago, and then being defeated multiple times in a partner competition this weekend, both experiences humbling to say the least, I was pretty confident that my decision to stick with weightlifting made more sense and was much more in line with my comfort zone.

But how do you improve if you aren’t willing to step outside that zone?

I was in complete awe of so many athletes that I watched compete this weekend and last, and motivated by SO MANY amazing, strong, women.. and I forgot how badly I wanted to be like them.. to have someone look up to me the way I look up to them, to be able to push my body well outside of its happy little 1-rep happy place, and do more than just whine about every workout that involves working up a sweat..

I complete these workouts and look back and think, yes, can do hard things.. and I do. I do the WODs and they suck the life out of me and sometimes I cry, and sometimes I quit, and sometimes I just finish them and wonder how in the heck I did it. And I am no worse of a person because of it.

While I’m still wishy-washy at best, hours after I have semi-recovered from the day’s events, I am raising the bar for myself and determined to push 110% from at least now until the Open..

Twitter: fantabulouslisa
February 9, 2015 at 12:07 pm

I recently re-did 14.4 also. And I also scored worse, even though I can do a muscle up this time!

Pretty sure this is normal 🙂

I love that you write about the emotions that come with crossfit! It’s a big part of it!! I definitely pouted about it for two days that I couldn’t get up on the rings. And almost everyone I know has cried after a WOD at least once.

We’re not alone!
Lisa recently posted..Fat loss updateMy Profile

~jenniferlynn February 9, 2015 at 12:14 pm

Thanks, Lisa!! I look up to you as an athlete so love hearing that even at levels above me, these same things happen to the seasoned folks!

Chris February 11, 2015 at 12:57 pm

Haha, and now you’ve swung back around! Welcome back! I’ve foregone my extra strength work until after the Open as well, I figure I won’t get much stronger in the next couple of weeks and skill work like DUs and HSPUs and mobility would probably serve me much better for the onslaught prepared for us by Mr. Castro.
Chris recently posted..32 Weird Facts About MeMy Profile

~jenniferlynn February 11, 2015 at 1:13 pm

Exactly my thoughts!! Doing crazy conditioning, and despite dying every time.. hmm.. getting better?! lol.

M. Love
Twitter: Ms_MLove
February 11, 2015 at 5:12 pm

Oh girl…I totally get this. After the comp this weekend I remembered how much I love CrossFit, but I suck at it. haha And weightlifting, for me, has given me something that I have to work harder for than anything I have had to do prior to this. I will always love CrossFit and what it has done for me. I love coaching it. I love my 1-2 WODs per week and maybe a partner comp every now and again. But that is it. I don’t have the drive like I do with OLY. You’ll figure out what is going to work for you. Just give it time. 🙂
M. Love recently posted..#1Force215CompMy Profile

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