Junkfood Junkie

by ~jenniferlynn on April 25, 2012

in Food, Me, Skinny Girl Problems

A typical workday for me includes a lot of snacking. I get bored, I snack. Not like it has ever caused an issue for me because of my fortunate inability to gain weight, but it has been a bad habit.

Since I started my lifting program, I have been trying to clean up what I’m eating and avoid the constant snacking (unless it’s on good stuff). I usually have at least an apple and banana available everyday and keep a stash at work that consists of unfortunately mostly carby snacks of rice cakes, peanut butter, oatmeal, Special K bars (LOVE), and often some cereal (usually Special K).

A recent post of mine indicated that I’m trying to eat MORE, so since I have tons of food readily available (on top of my protein-packed eggs and sausage breakfast, and usual dinner-leftovers for lunch), I figured it should be no problem. I work, I get bored, I snack. So in addition to my stash of carby snacks, I have also started packing some whole grain bread, a sweet potato, almonds, yogurt, and a strawberry protein shake, just to have something extra for when I get that urge to snack. So please tell me why that now I have all these good things to snack on, I’m just not hungry! I suspect that reducing my junky carb intake has reduced my cravings for more junky carbs, but filling up on the good stuff has done just that- Filled me up.

So how are you supposed to eat MORE, when the hunger is LESS?

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